Steps Involves in Learning Machine Learning.
- April 26, 2020
- By Sanjeev Dubey
From detecting skin cancer to sorting cucumbers
to detecting escalators in need of repair, machine learning has granted computer
systems entirely new abilities. But how does it really work under the hood?
Let's walk through a basic example and use it
as an excuse to talk about the process of getting answers from your data using
machine learning.
Suppose that we've been asked to create a
system that answers the question of whether a drink is a wine or beer. This
question answering system that we build is called a model, and this model is
created via a process called training. In machine learning, the goal of
training is to create an accurate model that answers our questions correctly
most of the time. However, in order to train the model, we need to collect data
to train on. This is where we will begin.
Our data will be collected from glasses of wine
and beer. There are many aspects of drinks that we could collect data
on--everything from the amount of foam to the shape of the glass. But for our
purposes, we'll just pick two simple ones--the color as a wavelength of light
and the alcohol content as a percentage. The hope is that we can split our two
types of drinks along with these two factors alone. We'll call these our features
from now on--color and alcohol.
The first step to our process will be to run
out to the local grocery store, buy up a bunch of different drinks, and get
some equipment to do our measurements-- a spectrometer for measuring the color
and a hydrometer to measure the alcohol content. It appears that our grocery
store has an electronics hardware section as well. Once our equipment and then
booze-- we got it all set up--it's time for our first real step of machine learning--
gathering that data. This step is very important because the quality and
quantity of data that you gather will directly determine how good your
predictive model can be.
In this case, the data we collect will be the
color and alcohol content of each drink. This will yield us a table of color,
alcohol content, and whether it's beer or wine. This will be our training data.
So a few hours of measurements later, we've gathered our training data and had
a few drinks, perhaps.
And now it's time for our next step of machine
learning--data preparation--where we load our data into a suitable place and
prepare it for use in our machine learning training. We'll first put all our
data together then randomize the ordering. We wouldn't want the order of our
data to affect how we learn since that's not part of determining whether a
drink is a beer or wine. In other words, we want to make a determination of what a
drink is independent of what drink came before or after it in the sequence. This
is also a good time to do any pertinent visualizations of your data, helping
you see if there are any relevant relationships between different variables as
well as to show, you if there are any data imbalances.
For instance, if we collected way more data
points about beer than wine, the model we train will be heavily biased toward
guessing that virtually everything that it sees is beer since it would be right
most of the time. However, in the real world, the model may see beer and wine
in an equal amount, which would mean that it would be guessing beer wrong half the
time. We also need to split the data into two parts. The first part used in
training our model will be the majority of our dataset. The second part will be
used for evaluating our train model's performance. We don't want to use the
same data that the model was trained on for evaluation since then it would just
be able to memorize the questions, just as you wouldn't want to use the
questions from your math homework on the math exam.
Sometimes the data we collected needs other
forms of adjusting and manipulation—things like duplication, normalization,
error correction, and others. These would all happen at the data preparation
step. In our case, we don't have any further data preparation needs, so let's
move on forward. The next step in our workflow is choosing a model. Researchers
and data scientists practical understanding created many models over the years. Some
are very well suited for image data, others for sequences, such as text or
music, some for numerical data, and others for text-based data. In our case, we
have just two features-- color and alcohol percentage. We can use a small
linear model, which is a fairly simple one that will get the job done.
Now we move on to what is often considered the
bulk of machine learning--the training. In this step, we'll use our data to
incrementally improve our model's ability to predict whether a given drink is
wine or beer. In some ways, this is similar to someone first learning to drive.
At first, they don't know how any of the pedals, knobs, and switches work or
when they should be pressed or used. However, after lots of practice and
correcting for their mistakes, a licensed driver emerges. Moreover, after a
year of driving, they've become quite adept at driving. The act of driving and
reacting to real-world data has adapted their driving abilities, honing their
skills. We will do this on a much smaller scale with our drinks.
In particular, the formula for a straight line is
y = mx + b, where x is the input, m is the slope of the line, b is the
y-intercept, and y is the value of the line at that position x. The values we
have available to us to adjust or train are just m and b, where the m is that
slope, and b is the y-intercept. There is no other way to affect the position of
the line since the only other variables are x, our input, and y, our output.
In machine learning, there are many m's since
there may be many features. The collection of these values is usually formed
into a matrix that is denoted w for the weights matrix. Similarly, for b, we
arranged them together, and that's called the biases. The training process
involves initializing some random values for w and b and attempting to predict the
outputs with those values. As you might imagine, it does pretty poorly at
first, but we can compare our model's predictions with the output that it
should have produced and adjust the values in wand b such that we will have
more accurate predictions on the next time around. So this process then
repeats. Each iteration or cycle of updating the weights and biases is called
one training step.
So let's look at what that means more
concretely for our dataset. When we first start the training, it's like we drew
a random line through the data. Then as each step of the training progresses, the
line moves step by step closer to the ideal separation of the wine and beer. Once
training is complete, it's time to see if the model is any good. Using
evaluation, this is where that dataset that we set aside earlier comes into
play. Evaluation allows us to test our model against data that has never been
used for training. This metric allows us to see how the model might perform
against data that it has not yet seen. This is meant to be representative of
how the model might perform in the real world.
A good rule of thumb I use for a
training-evaluation split is somewhere on the order of 80%-20% or 70%-30%. Much
of this depends on the size of the original source dataset. If you have a lot
of data, perhaps you don't need as big of a fraction for the evaluation
dataset. Once you've done the evaluation, it's possible that you want to see if you
can further improve your training in any way. We can do this by turning some of
our parameters. There were a few that we implicitly assumed when we did our
training, and now is a good time to go back and test those assumptions, try
other values.
One example of a parameter we can tune is how
many times we run through the training set during training. We can actually
show the data multiple times. So by doing that, we will potentially lead to
higher accuracies. Another parameter is the learning rate. This defines how far we
shift the line during each step based on the information from the previous
training step. These values all play a role in how accurate our model can become
and how long the training takes. For more complex models, the initial conditions can
play a significant role as well in determining the outcome of training. Differences
can be seen depending on whether a model starts off training with values
initialized at zeros versus some distribution of the values and what that
distribution is. As you can see, there is many consideration sat this phase of
training, and it's important that you define what makes a model good enough for
you. Otherwise, we might find ourselves tweaking parameters for a very long
Now, these parameters are typically referred to
as hyper-parameters. The adjustment or tuning of these hyper-parameters still
remains a bit more of an art than a science, and it's an experimental process
that heavily depends on the specifics of your dataset, model, and training
process. Once you're happy with your training and hyper-parameters, guided by
the evaluation step, it's finally time to use your model to do something
useful. Machine learning is using data to answer questions, so prediction or
inference is that step where we finally get to answer some questions. This is
the point of all of this work where the value of machine learning is realized.
We can finally use our model to predict whether
a given drink is wine or beer, given its color and alcohol percentage. The
power of machine learning is that we were able to determine how to
differentiate between wine and beer using our model rather than using human
judgment and manual rules. You can extrapolate the ideas presented today to
other problem domains as well, where the same principles apply--gathering data,
preparing that data, choosing a model, training it and evaluating it, doing
your hyper-parameter training, and finally, prediction.
If you're looking for more ways to play with
training and parameters, check out the TensorFlow Playground. It's a completely
browser-based machine learning sandbox, where you can try different parameters and
run training against mock datasets. In addition, don't worry, you can't break
the site.
Of course, we will encounter more steps and nuances in future
articles, but this serves as a good foundational framework to help us think
through the problem, giving us a common language to think about each step and
go deeper in the future. Thank You.